
  1. To connect FullStro with FedEx and create shipping orders right within FullStro, please head over to the addons integration tab and click “Connect” on FedEx.

2. Once here, you will be asked to choose a plan and make a payment.

3. Once the payment is done, FedEx will ask for your App Name, Client ID, Consumer Secret, Grant Type, Shipping Account and Billing Account.

4. To get access to these information from FedEx, please login to your FedEx dashboard and head over to “Projects”

5. Once in the project module, press “Create Project”

6. While creating the project, mention why you need access to the API, give your project a name and select all the APIs available below for accessing and press “Next”

7. Accept FedEx Terms

8. Specify your settings and press “Create”

9. Once done, you will now have access to the APIs provided by FedEx.

10. Now head back to your FullStro dashboard and put the credentials provided by FedEx and press “Connect FedEx”.

11. Now you are connected with FedEx and will be able to create shipping orders from FullStro without needing to login to FedEx again.