Quick Setup

Once you have subscribed and logged in to your dashboard, you can proceed to setup your store for basic settings.

  1. Head over to the settings tab in your dashboard

2. Go to the general tab and add your company information, such as Application Name, Default Language, Currency Symbol, Default Warehouse, Timezone, Favicon and Site logo.

3. Now from the Languages Tab, you can sync all available languages and can choose to enable/disable any particular language.

4. Now head over to the VAT & TAX settings where you can enable/disable vat & tax and specify fixed/percentage of vat & tax globally.

5. Head over to the email tab and set settings for mail. This will enable the application to send and receive emails.

6. Head over to the Email notification tab from where can enable/disable emails.

7. From the formatting tab, you will be able to choose settings for your Invoice, SKU and Purchase prefix as well as select the Default Currency Format

8. Head over to the Payment Methods tab to enable/disable your payment methods as well as input the API keys of your Stripe/PayPal account so that the app knows whom to send money when received.

9. From the SMS Gateway Tab, you can choose to enable/disable Twilio SMS Integration as well as put your API keys achieved from Twilio which will enable the application to send SMS by your name.

10. From the addons tab, you will be able to purchase subscription for any addons that you need.

11. From the invoice settings, you will be able to toggle settings for billing, shipping, invoice and invoice footer text. You will be able to edit footer text as well as input invoice logo, author name, designation and signature.

12. From here, you will be able to toggle settings for you two-step verification.