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Connecting Lazada

1. To connect Lazada, please move over to the addon integrations module and press “Connect” on Lazada.

2. Once clicked, you should be prompted to make the payment and subscribe to the addon.

3.  After clicking on the “Connect” button, you will be asked to provide your Shop Name, Shop URL, access token.

To get the API Details, Now, go to your Lazada online store

1. First register an open platform account

1.1 Registration link

1.2 Precautions for account registration

1.2.1 Registered Email and Password Conditions

a. The password needs English+number+symbol, and the symbol cannot use “!” “<” 、”>”;

b. The registered mailbox should not have a “+”.

1.2.2 After registration, you need to fill in profile information first, and wait for review after submission

1.2.3 After the profile information is approved, the app can be created

a. There are two steps to create an app.

First, click Apply and wait for the approval before clicking Create App. After the approval, an app in test status will be automatically obtained;

Step 2: Click Create APP.

b. It is recommended to select ERP System or Seller in house APP. Their differences are as follows:

The number of authorized sellers is different: the default number of authorized sellers in the ERP system is 300, and can be increased according to the needs of the project;

The number of authorized sellers of the Seller in house APP is 20 by default, and the maximum number is 60;

Different authorization methods:

ERP System: for users who do not need to add white list of sellers;

Seller in house APP: for sellers who need to add white list.

You can find more details below

c. If the app of type seller in house  is not whitelisted, the following error messages will appear

1.2.4 The newly created app is in test status

a. The APP is in the test status: the maximum call amount is ten thousand per days; The validity of the token is 7 days, and the validity of the refresh token is 14 days;

b. Online status: the maximum call volume is 10 million per day; The validity of the token is 30 days, and the validity of the refresh token is 180 days;

If you can ensure that the success rate of app calls is above 85%, you can apply for the app to go online.

c. Offline: If you want to Offine the app, you can click manage>Apply offine on the app console

d. Delete: If you want to delete an app, you can only delete it in test status.

2. Now head back to your FullStro dashboard and add the required credentials to connect your store and start controlling your store from within FullStro. Once done, please press “Connect Lazada”

3. Now your Lazada store is connected to FullStro and you will be able to upload products, view orders and control your Lazada store from FullStro.

Connecting eBay

1. To connect eBay, please move over to the addon integrations module and press “Connect” on eBay.

2. Once clicked, you should be prompted to make the payment and subscribe to the addon.

3. After clicking on the “Connect” button, you will be asked to provide your Store nickname, marketplace, RUName, Client ID, Client Secret.

4. Now go to the eBay account & follow these steps.

Step: 1

For creating a new account go to and click on

Step: 2

Register here with valid data.

Step: 3

Click Create a keyset in the production section.

Step: 4

Click here.

Step: 5

Register here with valid data.

And confirm 

Finally, Submit 

Step 6: 

Go to the Application keysets

Step: 7

You will get a Client ID  and Client Secret.

Step: 8

Go to User Access Tokens

Step: 9

You have to fill in the Display Title, Accept URL, and OAuth checkbox.  

Accept URL will be your domain name (example: )  / ebay-verify

Finally accept URL:

Step: 10 

Now you need to copy and paste (RuName, Client ID, Client Secret) to Connect eBay. 

6. Now your eBay store is connected to FullStro and you will be able to upload products, view orders and control your eBay store from FullStro.

Connecting Shopify

1. To connect Shopify, please move over to the addon integrations module and press “Connect” on Shopify.

2. Once clicked, you should be prompted to make the payment and subscribe to the addon.

3. After clicking on the “Connect” button, you will be asked to provide your Shop Name, Shop URL, access token.

4. Now, go to your shopify online store – Manage app – Apps & sales channels – develops app – Create an app – add name to your shopify shop & create – API credentials – enable every field to enable API access – click on the install button – get the API ADMIN ACCESS KEY

5. Now head back to your FullStro dashboard and add the required credentials to connect your store and start controlling your store from within FullStro. Once done, please press “Connect Shopify”

6. Now your Shopify store is connected to FullStro and you will be able to upload products, view orders and control your Shopify store from FullStro.

Connecting WooCommerce

  1. To connect WooCommerce, please move over to the addon integrations module and press “Connect” on WooCommerce.

2. Once clicked, you should be prompted to make the payment and subscribe to the addon.

3. After you have made the payment, you will be asked to provide your Shop Name, Shop URL, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

4. To get your API keys from your WordPress website, you will need to login to your WordPress website dashboard and head over to WooCommerce > Settings. Once you are here, please navigate to the tab labeled “Advanced” and from there go to the tab named “REST API” and press “Add Key” or “Create and API Key”

5. Fill up the details and make sure to give permission to “Read/Write” in the permissions field and hit “Generate API Key”

6. Once done, WooCommerce will provide you the required credentials to add to in your FullStro dashboard

7. Now head back to your FullStro dashboard and add the required credentials to connect your store and start controlling your store from within FullStro. Once done, please press “Connect WooCommerce”

8. Now your WooCommerce store is connected to FullStro and you will be able to upload products, view orders and control your WordPress website from FullStro.

Connecting FedEx

  1. To connect FullStro with FedEx and create shipping orders right within FullStro, please head over to the addons integration tab and click “Connect” on FedEx.

2. Once here, you will be asked to choose a plan and make a payment.

3. Once the payment is done, FedEx will ask for your App Name, Client ID, Consumer Secret, Grant Type, Shipping Account and Billing Account.

4. To get access to these information from FedEx, please login to your FedEx dashboard and head over to “Projects”

5. Once in the project module, press “Create Project”

6. While creating the project, mention why you need access to the API, give your project a name and select all the APIs available below for accessing and press “Next”

7. Accept FedEx Terms

8. Specify your settings and press “Create”

9. Once done, you will now have access to the APIs provided by FedEx.

10. Now head back to your FullStro dashboard and put the credentials provided by FedEx and press “Connect FedEx”.

11. Now you are connected with FedEx and will be able to create shipping orders from FullStro without needing to login to FedEx again.